Decorative image with AAC logo and text reading Success Workshops

AAC UPCOMING WORKSHOPS,summary/date_format/%25F%20%25j,%20%25Y/group/Academic Achievement Center/category/Academic Support/category_audience/Undergraduate Students/tag/aac programs/max/4/start_date/today/end_date/6 months/
  • Mar
    AAC Waterbury Workshop: Strategies for Deeper Learning
    WTB 128
    12:30 PM

    Have one go to strategy to study? Want more in your tool belt? This presentation will discuss methods to approach your coursework.

  • Mar
    AAC Storrs Workshop: Strategies for Deeper Learning
    Rowe Center
    6:00 PM

    Have one go to strategy to study? Want more in your tool belt? This presentation will discuss methods to approach your coursework.

  • Mar
    AAC Hartford Workshop: Test Taking Strategies
    HTB 202
    3:00 PM

    Realize things to consider when preparing for an upcoming exam to then create a plan. Learn exam format tactics to best approach different types of test questions.

  • Mar
    AAC Storrs Workshop: Test Taking Strategies
    Rowe Center
    4:00 PM

    Realize things to consider when preparing for an upcoming exam to then create a plan. Learn exam format tactics to best approach different types of test questions.

Spring 2025 AAC Workshops – All Campuses

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What are workshops tracks?

Workshop Tracks are curated sets of workshops designed to strengthen specific skillsets. By following one or more tracks, students can gain deeper insights into the topics covered and further enhance their skills. Since workshops are offered on a rotating schedule, some topics may appear less frequently. Be sure to stop by the AAC to pick up a flyer with the full semester workshop rotation.

Track: In Class Habits

This workshop track consists of 4 workshops over the course of the semester:

  • Setting Up Your Semester
  • Talking to Professors
  • Notetaking Strategies
  • Test Taking Strategies

Track: Study Strategy and Application

This workshop track consists of 4 workshops over the course of the semester:

  • Setting Up Your Semester
  • Strategies for Deeper Learning
  • Test Taking Strategies
  • Finals Prep

Track: Progress Analysis

This workshop track consists of 4 workshops over the course of the semester:

  • Setting Up Your Semester
  • Prioritization Techniques
  • Evaluating Your Semester
  • Bouncing Back: Academic Resilience

Track: Outside the Classroom Resilience Skills

This workshop track consists of 4 workshops over the course of the semester:

  • Prioritization Techniques
  • Attention Management
  • Just Breathe: Stress Management
  • Bouncing Back Academic Resilience

Workshop Descriptions

Academic Resilience: Bouncing Back

The focus of this presentation is academic resilience. Reflect on a prior failure or struggle, learn what to do when getting feedback, and apply new strategies when getting a critique.

Attention Management: Focusing to Get Things Done

Discuss the issue of focusing on tasks. Then discover strategies that will help you focus in the future.

Evaluating Your Semester

Reflect on your progress across the semester so far, focusing on goals and progress towards the. Learn and apply different strategies for continued success.

Just Breathe

Did you know there are multiple kinds of stress? Come talk about the different stressors in your life and ways to combat the negative results of stress.

Looking Ahead, Selecting Courses

We are the creators for our academic experience and it starts with our class schedules. This workshop will focus on reflecting on your previous experiences and use this information to select courses for the following semester.

Online Course Support

Managing assignments for an online course can be challenging. We will provide steps to consider when taking an online course to be successful.

Prioritization Techniques

Review different approaches to the same task list and the one you employ in ideal settings and when overwhelmed. Explore strategies to organize your priorities.

Notetaking for Success

Notetaking for Success

Learn about and practice different note taking strategies that can be applied both in class during lecture, and outside of the classroom with textbooks.

Setting Up Your Semester

Setting Up Your Semester

This presentation will help you start your semester on the right foot, organized, prepared, and in the mindset to succeed.

Strategies for Deeper Learning

Have one go to strategy to study? Want more in your tool belt? This presentation will discuss methods to approach your coursework.

Finals Prep

Gear up and get ready for finals. Learn ways to enhance both your studying process as well as your approach to taking finals day of.

Test Taking Strategies

Realize things to consider when preparing for an upcoming exam to then create a plan. Learn exam format tactics to best approach different types of test questions.

Talking to Professors

Do you know how to effectively communicate with your professor? This workshop will provide strategies to improve your communication skills during office hours, sending emails, and what are the “right” questions that will prepare you for your test.

Success in S.T.E.M.

If you are in a STEM course or are a STEM major, this is the workshop for you. Learn ways to be successful in your courses including how to approach your assignments and studying.

Where Do I Go For That?

Learn about resources on campus and how to ask the right questions when you go there for support.,summary/date_format/%25F%20%25j,%20%25Y/group/Academic Achievement Center/category/Academic Support/category_audience/Undergraduate Students/tag/aac programs/max/4/start_date/today/end_date/6 months/
  • Mar
    AAC Waterbury Workshop: Strategies for Deeper Learning
    WTB 128
    12:30 PM

    Have one go to strategy to study? Want more in your tool belt? This presentation will discuss methods to approach your coursework.

  • Mar
    AAC Storrs Workshop: Strategies for Deeper Learning
    Rowe Center
    6:00 PM

    Have one go to strategy to study? Want more in your tool belt? This presentation will discuss methods to approach your coursework.

  • Mar
    AAC Hartford Workshop: Test Taking Strategies
    HTB 202
    3:00 PM

    Realize things to consider when preparing for an upcoming exam to then create a plan. Learn exam format tactics to best approach different types of test questions.

  • Mar
    AAC Storrs Workshop: Test Taking Strategies
    Rowe Center
    4:00 PM

    Realize things to consider when preparing for an upcoming exam to then create a plan. Learn exam format tactics to best approach different types of test questions.