Picture of the AAC logo above the text reading Our Mission

The Academic Achievement Center (AAC) is designed to help students achieve their goals by creating a personal network of support at the University. Located on the Hartford, Storrs, & Waterbury campuses, we provide holistic support and strategic academic counseling through our 4 signature programs below.

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Wishing everyone a happy last day of classes from the Academic Achievement Center! You've worked hard, overcome challenges, and now it's time to celebrate your academic journey. Here's to all the late nights, the moments of inspiration, and the growth you've experienced.

#LastDayOfClasses #FinishStrong #AcademicSuccess #uconn #uconnhuskies #uconnnation #successstartshere #inspireuconn #academicachievement #academicachievementcenter #UConnAAC #AcademicAchievement #UConnSuccess
Flashback to the moments that made this year unforgettable! From study sessions to celebratory high-fives, here’s a look inside our center’s journey through 2023. 

#MemoriesInMotion #AcademicAchievement #InsideOutRewind #uconn #uconnhuskies #uconnnation #successstartshere #inspireuconn #academicachievement #academicachievementcenter #UConnAAC #AcademicAchievement #UConnSuccess #StudySmart #UConnSupport #StudentSuccess #UConnResources
Find your midweek inspiration with Autumn, an AAC Coach at UConn Hartford's Academic Achievement Center! Wednesdays are a fresh chance to learn, grow, and achieve your academic dreams. Let Autumn's guidance help you make the most of it! 

#WhyWednesday #AACMentoring #AcademicGrowth #uconn #uconnhuskies #uconnnation #successstartshere #inspireuconn #academicachievement #academicachievementcenter #UConnAAC #AcademicAchievement #UConnSuccess