AWOL Reporting

Once we are about a month into the semester, we would like all UConn Connects Mentors to report any Connects participant(s) that are not actively engaged in the program. Student particpants will receive additional outreach from our office, in hopes of providing them with individualized support for academic success.

AWOL Reporting

AWOL Reporting

Mentors, please use this form to report the participant(s) that you have not connected with this semester.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Skip if you have never met or spoke with the student.
    Select all methods of contact
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.,summary/date_format/%25F%20%25j,%20%25Y/group/Academic Achievement Center/category/Academic Support/category_audience/Undergraduate Students/tag/aac programs/max/4/start_date/today/end_date/6 months/
  • Apr
    AAC Waterbury Workshop: Evaluating Your Semester
    WTB 128
    12:30 PM

    Reflect on your progress across the semester so far, focusing on goals and progress towards the. Learn and apply different strategies for continued success.

  • Apr
    AAC Hartford Workshop: Evaluating Your Semester
    HTB 202
    3:00 PM

    Reflect on your progress across the semester so far, focusing on goals and progress towards the. Learn and apply different strategies for continued success.

  • Apr
    AAC Storrs Workshop: Evaluating Your Semester
    Rowe Center
    4:00 PM

    Reflect on your academic progress so far and develop goals for the rest of the semester. Learn about and apply new techniques and strategies to your learning.

  • Apr
    AAC Storrs Workshop: Secrets to Homer Babbidge
    Rowe Center
    4:00 PM

    In collaboration with the UConn Success Librarians