Promise Scholar FAQs

Below is a list of the most commonly asked questions from Promise Scholars:

  • Are the Hartford and New Haven Promise programs the same?
    • No. The Hartford Promise and New Haven Promise programs use the same name and have many similarities, but they are run by different organizations and have different leadership, eligibility requirements, and policies.
  • How much is my Promise Scholarship?
    • New Haven Promise uses a formula to determine how much each eligible scholar can receive. The maximum amount is $2,500/semester. The exact amount you receive will depend on how many years you attended New Haven Public Schools and how many unique credits you are taking in the semester.
    • Hartford Promise is known as a “last dollar in” scholarship. In other words, Hartford Promise determines the exact dollar amount based on each semesters’ fee bill.  After all other scholarships and grants are calculated on your fee bill, Hartford Promise will award you whatever dollar amount is left up to $2,500/semester. Therefore, each semester may look different.
  • What are the eligibility requirements for keeping my Scholarship?
    • For both scholarships, you must maintain enrolled status and be in good academic standing to remain eligible.
  • What happens to my scholarship if I struggle academically?
    • Everyone has challenges now and again. Sometimes there are issues that arise that get in the way of academic success. If you struggle for a semester but maintain your enrollment at UConn, you will maintain your scholarship. Both programs will, however, ask that you provide them with information on how you plan to improve your academic standing and success for the next semester. If you do not provide them with the information they request, your scholarship will be at risk. If you find yourself struggling during the semester, getting quick help is key!   There are many programs and people available to help, including UConn Connects. Contact the AAC for support and resources.
  • Can I study abroad with my Promise Scholarship?
    • Yes. Both programs allow their scholars to study abroad and receive their scholarship.
  • Can I take summer or winter courses with my Promise Scholarship?
    • This depends upon how much of your scholarship you have already been awarded. Please contact us or your Promise Scholar office to get more information.
  • How can I connect with other Promise Scholars?
    • Occasionally we host events for Promise Scholars in the Academic Achievement Center. Most often we announce these events by email. So be sure to check your official UConn email for invitations.  In addition, both programs have students who serve as ambassadors or liaisons on campus.  Please contact us if you do not know who your program’s liaison is.  We will be happy to connect you!
  • Who do I contact with other questions?
    • There are a lot of people ready and willing to help and support you, as well as answer any additional questions. You can always start by contacting us in the Academic Achievement Center and we can either provide you with the information or help figure out who is the best next contact! We look forward to connecting with you!